
Our Patron

The patron of the program is Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

May we all invoke the prayer from the Miraculous Medal: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

The Immaculate Conception, Reni (1627)


The chaplain of our group is Fr. Louis Cunningham. He is Pastor of  the Lakewood parish family, including Immaculate Conception Mission (Steilacoom), St. Frances Cabrini (Lakewood), and St. John Bosco (Lakewood). He oversees our spiritual needs as a community, as well as keeping us in his prayers. 

Please include him in your prayers!


In all that we do, we should strive to begin with Christ. As such, our logo begins with the Crucifix - the image of Christ's sacrifice at Calvary and the means of our redemption - to form the letter I. An adaptation of three interlocking circles (symbolic of the Trinity) form three C's. Finally, as the Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Our Lady, a Marian Cross resides close to Jesus. The Marian Cross has twofold symbolism: (1) the letter M (for Mary) and the cross are interlocked (they cannot be separated), just as the redemptive sacrifice of Christ cannot be separated from Mary's fiat and (2) Mary is at the foot of the cross, just as in John 19:25-27.


Board of Directors

The board is composed of parents of children in the ICCC program. We are committed to the success of the program and meet regularly to oversee and direct curriculum and other operations, set policies, vote on and approve decisions, and plan for the future of the program. 

We appreciate parent/family feedback and will take it into account to continually improve the program over time. Please pray for us and we will pray for you and your family!

Board Members:

Andra Basil - President

Colleen Cleek - Secretary

Amber Goldade - Treasurer

Matthew Bittle

Nicolas Basil

In conceptione tua, Virgo Maria, immaculata fuisti: ora pro nobis Patrem, cujus Filium Jesum de Spiritu Saucto conceptum peperisti.

In thy Conception, O Mary, thou wast Immaculate. Pray for us to the Eternal Father, whose only-begotten Son Jesus, conceived in thy womb by the Holy Ghost, thou didst bring forth.