Code of Conduct

ICCC Code of Conduct


“Try to be dependable even in little things. Dependability is one of the most enviable characteristics you can possess, for it includes unselfishness, punctuality, thoughtfulness, loyalty, and charity.”

- The Hidden Power of Kindness, Fr. Lovasik

1. During arrival, dismissal, and other non-class functions: all children will be proximately monitored at all times by their own parent, teacher, or Hall Monitor, especially when taking trips to and from the bathroom. Older children, grades 4-12, will use the bathroom one at a time to avoid distractions.

2. If a student has a cell phone, upon arrival it must be turned in to the parent in charge of attendance (there will be a basket).

3. Parents, please be an example of responsibility to your child by arriving on time.

4. Dropping your child/ren off is not an option. All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

5. Have all assignments completed before class and remember to bring the assignments and all required materials with you.

6. All students and parents will be expected to dress modestly according to the uniform dress code and dress modestly.

7. If your family will be absent, please let the parent in charge of attendance know as soon as possible to assure that your responsibilities at the program will be covered by someone else. It is the parents’ responsibility to get any missed work and assignments from their child’s teacher.

8. Parents should try to have their child/ren use the restroom before the program begins to lessen interruptions during class.

9. When walking to class, please walk slowly and calmly and keep your voices low. Stay in line with your class.

Class Behavior/ Discipline

“A true understanding and humble estimate of oneself is the highest and most valuable of all lessons.”

- The Imitation of Christ, Ch. 2

1. Students and parents should conduct themselves so as to reflect the virtues of Christ. Show respect and courtesy to all adults and peers by:

  • respecting others’ property by asking permission to use and /or touch something that does not belong to you

  • being attentive to those teaching

  • raising your hand politely and waiting to be called on if you wish to speak

  • taking turns with others to speak in an informal class discussion

  • allowing other students to concentrate on their work by not distracting or disrupting the class

  • cleaning up after yourself

  • showing cheerful obedience by obeying the first time you are asked.

2. Students are expected to be encouraging and supportive of one another. They should take the initiative to help peers in need and to share materials when necessary. Name-calling, destructive criticism, and/or rude comments will not be tolerated.

3. If any child shows any sort of physical harm to another child (hitting, pushing, biting, etc.), they will be sent out of the class immediately and sent to the Hall Monitor. If behavior does not improve, the child will be sent to his/her parent.

4. Teachers and assistants should aim to be models of proper behavior by not talking to other parents during class, not checking cell phones, etc.

5. Students’ cell phones will be confiscated if seen by teachers and given to parent at the end of the day. If this occurs more than once, the student will be referred to the Discipline Director.

6. Children must stay in their seats unless otherwise instructed by their teacher. No child may leave the classroom without permission. If possible, wait to use the bathroom between classes so as not to interrupt the lessons.

7. Be respectful of the facility’s property. You will be held accountable for any damages caused by your actions.

8. Parents are responsible for their own child/ren unless they are unavailable to be in class with them. If a student becomes disruptive or unmanageable, the disruptive child will be given three chances to listen to the teacher before being sent out of the room to a Hall Monitor, who will bring the child to await the parent and/or parent’s instruction for disciplining the child. Discipline will be parent-directed, not teacher directed – as per below. However, we do request a cooperative spirit to be had between teacher and parent. If a parent and teacher do not agree on something, we will have one other (the Discipline Director) attempt to come to an understanding with said teacher and parent. If even this fails, it will be voted on amongst those three members (teacher, parent and Discipline Director) – what the best course of action is.

a. Pius X “On Christian Education”: “It must be borne in mind also that the obligation of the family to bring up children, includes not only religious and moral education, but physical and civic education as well, principally in so far as it touches upon religion and morality.”

9. In the event that a student or parent displays continued behavioral disruptions (of physical or verbal kind, including but not limited to destructive criticism, name-calling, pushing, jumping on others, etc. ) either at the program or during other non-class functions, a vote will be taken by those involved to expel the student or parent for up to three consecutive program days. If the issue still is not resolved, a meeting will be called for all members of the Board of Directors to vote on a further course of action, including but not limited to the expulsion of a family from the program.


“Crux Sacra sit mihi lux” (May the Holy Cross be my light)

~ St. Benedict Medal

1. During arrival, dismissal, and other non-class functions: all children will be proximately monitored at all times by their own parent, teacher, or Hall Monitor, especially when taking trips to and from the bathroom. Older children, grades 4-12, will use the bathroom one at a time to avoid distractions.

2. Please see that all of your family’s belongings and class belongings are gathered before leaving the building.

3. No children are allowed outside without adult supervision.

4. If you are not in charge of cleaning that day, please leave promptly to lessen the obstacles of those who are.

Statement of Faith

As a member of the Immaculate Conception Classical Community, I acknowledge the authority of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and I agree to uphold the standards of Christian Modesty and Charity while participating in the Immaculate Conception Classical Community program.

Uniform Dress Code

“How beautiful then is modesty and what a gem among virtues it is.”

~ St. Bernard, Confessor and Doctor of the Church

Boys: Khaki pants; ICCC polo uniform shirt

Girls: Below the knee or longer khaki skirts; ICCC polo uniform shirt

Parents/Teachers: Business casual attire, no jeans or shorts; if wearing a skirt, must be below the knee; no low neckline shirts

Everyone must wear closed-toe shoes with socks while at the program (Nursery excluded).

Sick Policy

“Always entrust your cause to me, my son; when the proper time comes, I will see that things turn out for the best.”

~ The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter 39.

If you or a child has a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above, vomiting, or diarrhea within 24 hours before the scheduled class meeting or event, please stay at home. If your child has a croupy cough or a colored nasal discharge, please consider keeping that child at home, especially if he/she is very young and not able to wipe his/her own nose or able to cover his/her mouth. This is to be taken into careful consideration due to pregnant mothers.

Adapted from “Rules of Conduct” (The Rolling Acres School)

Updated 4/2022